Archive for June, 2010

iPhone 4 and iPhone3Gs

Got my iPhone4 on Wednesday (6/23/2010), so I spent the previous weekend jailbreaking and unlocking my 3Gs. Unfortunately, I used Spirit to jailbreak my 3.1.3 iPhone3Gs with the 05.21.01 baseband and it was the first time I did jailbreak the phone. So I was unable to update it to IOS4. I need it be unlocked to work on Tmobile. Nonetheless, using it was better than I thought it would be, but the signal in my home is really weak unless I am upstairs. I am keeping an eye out to figure out how I can update it to IOS4 and unlock it.

By the way, I like the new phone a lot. I had issues getting it ordered, but I only did it through Apple. And I have to say to everybody that was complaining about AT&T, Apple had their own issues too. A lot of the time was when it was verifying my AT&T account, but there were other times when it was all Apple. I was able to get my order processed at about 5pm Pacific time.

My only issues so far have been the sharp edges. I hate having to use a case, but I think I going to have to. Also, I have noticed the signal degredation, when holding the phone in my left hand, which I do all the time. The case should help with that too.

How to add more swap space in linux.

I used this procedure to add swap space to a server, where I not more available partitions, but had space on a previously formated partition.

# mkdir /var/swap

Create container files:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap/swapfile1 bs=1024 count=65536
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap/swapfile2 bs=1024 count=65536
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap/swapfile3 bs=1024 count=65536
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap/swapfile4 bs=1024 count=65536

Format as swap:
# mkswap /var/swap/swapfile1
# mkswap /var/swap/swapfile2
# mkswap /var/swap/swapfile3
# mkswap /var/swap/swapfile4

Add them to startup:
# vi /etc/fstab

/var/swap/swapfile1 swap swap defaults 0 0
/var/swap/swapfile2 swap swap defaults 0 0
/var/swap/swapfile3 swap swap defaults 0 0
/var/swap/swapfile4 swap swap defaults 0 0

Enable them:
# swapon -a
Check them:
# swapon -sh

Improve performance of Thunderbird 3 (IMAP).

When I did a new installation of Fedora 13 and configured Thunderbird 3.0.4 for IMAP, I found that the performance was just atrocious. It was downloading all the messages from all my folders.

The release notes for Thunderbird gave me a hint:

IMAP Folder Synchronization

Thunderbird will download IMAP messages by default in the background to allow for faster message loading and better offline operation. This feature can be enabled on an individual folder basis via Folder properties, or for all folders in an account via Account Settings / ‘Synchronize & Storage’.


I turned this “feature” off for my account. It is in “Account Settings” and then “Synchronization & Storage” for my IMAP account. From here, I unchecked “Keep messages for this account on this computer.” Also, I changed the “Disk Space” setting from “Synchronize all messages locally regardless of age” to “Synchronize the most recent 1 Weeks.” These two settings made a huge improvement to my performance. Yes, I lose offline access, but that does not matter to this desktop computer.

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