Modify Exchange Message Size Limits
- September 29th, 2017
- Posted in Documentation
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There are a number ways to control message size in Exchange. Many actually. Even down to the header size.
Here are the options I have been most likely to use:
This is where you set your server parameters. This setting applies to all users on the server:
To view your current settings:
Get-TransportConfig | Select MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize
To modify your settings:
Set-TransportConfig -MaxSendSize 15MB -MaxReceiveSize 15MB
Here is where you can set the parameter based on a receive connector only:
Get-RecieveConnector | Select MaxMessageSize
To modify:
Set-ReceiveConnector -Identity “receiveconnectorname” -MaxMessageSize 15MB
And this for a send connector:
Get-SendConnector | Select MaxMessageSize
To modify:
Set-SendConnector -Identity “sendconnectorname” -MaxMessageSize 15MB
This is where you would set it for the individual mailbox. So, you might want have your other settings high, and restrict by mailbox if the need is there.
To view a mailbox’s limits:
Get-Mailbox | Select Name,MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize
Get-Mailbox mailboxname | Select Name,MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize
To modify:
Set-Mailbox jgz -MaxSendSize 100MB -MaxReceiveSize 100MB
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