I did a little exercise to figure out a way to decode the encoded subject of some email messages.

Here is the decoded subject I was using:

Alaska is cool, go whale watching and glacier gazing (from 75%-off)

Here is the fully encoded subject of that message:


Here is the command I used to decode the string:

$ echo QWxhc2thIGlzIGNvb2wsIGdvIHdoYWxlIHdhdGNoaW5nIGFuZCBnbGFjaWVyIGdhemluZyAoZnJvbSA3NSUtb2ZmKQ== | base64 -d
Alaska is cool, go whale watching and glacier gazing (from 75%-off)

Note: the leading and trailing did need to be stripped off for this to work successfully. It is perfectly within the standards to encode the email subjects like this. Unfortunately, spammers have known this for many years.