SQLite3 and OpenVPN
- April 17th, 2020
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I needed to cleanup an issue with an OpenVPN user. I cleaned was using a multi-factor solution with OpenVPN. The multi-factor solution was case sensitive, while the VPN was not. To clean up the mess, I needed to remove the certificates from the certs SQLite database.
Database location:
# cd /usr/local/openvpn_as/etc/db
Connect to the database:
# sqlite3 certs.db
List the tables in the database:
sqlite> .tables
List column names in the table:
sqlite> pragma table_info(certificates);
List all the common_name records in the database:
sqlite> select common_name from certificates ;
Delete records with the common name somename:
sqlite> delete from certificates where common_name=’somename‘;
This worked well to clean up the database, and get the user working with a correct ovpn file.
Note: You could also edit the ovpn with data from the database as well.
Here is how you display a table (log in this instance) layout:
sqlite> .schema log
I used the following to query the login activity. You have to convert the timestamp in the start_time column. Also, the duration is stored in seconds, so I converted it to minutes.
sqlite> select username,strftime(‘%m-%d-%Y’, datetime(start_time, ‘unixepoch’)),duration/60 from log;
To run it from a script, save your query in a file (zreport) and run the following:
sqlite3 log.db < zreport
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