OS: CentOS 7
Install Docker:
# yum install docker-ce-cli docker-ce
Start Docker:
# systemctl start docker
# docker –help
You can tack on a –help on the end of any command to get help of that specific option:
# docker pull –help
Pull in an image from hub.docker.com:
# docker pull ubuntu
To list your installed images and obtain the IMAGE ID:
# docker images
To run an image:
# docker run -it -d ubuntu
To view running images:
# docker ps
To stop a running container:
# docker stop ‘CONTAINTER ID‘
To execute a command in a container (In this case, bash in the ubuntu image.):
# docker exec -it ‘CONTAINTER ID‘ bash
To view all container, including those that are not running:
# docker ps -a
To remove a container:
# docker rm ‘CONTAINTER ID‘
To remove an image:
# docker rmi ‘IMAGE ID‘
To stop and remove a running container:
# docker rm -f ‘CONTAINTER ID‘
To save changes to a container:
# docker commit ‘CONTAINTER ID‘ ‘NEW IMAGE NAME‘
To remove all running containers:
# docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
NOTE: INSTANCE ID can refer an image or container. The next two command will return the information in json format.
To view a container’s history:
# docker history ‘INSTANCE ID‘
To view information about a container:
# docker inspect ‘INSTANCE ID‘
If you want to upload your container to hub.docker.com the container must have a name in the following format:
# docker commit ‘CONTAINTER ID‘ ‘dockerhubuserid’/’newimagename’
To run a container and map a host port to the container port:
# docker run -it -d -p 82:80 jgz/apache2
Then, in this case, I would access my container web server from my LAN by accessing my docker host name and the port 82. So, if my hostname is jims.domain.local, the I would browse to http://jims.domain.local:82.
A Dockerfile is how you can create a container and run some commands when you start it up:
Building a Dockerfile (YAML file):
# mkdir /usr/local/docker
# cd /usr/local/docker/
# vi Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install apache2
ADD . /var/www/html
ENV name jgz
This will build the container and execute the RUN commands and ENTRYPOINT command:
# docker build . -t new_dockerfile