Ubuntu – various software management commands
- December 20th, 2010
- Posted in Documentation
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While I have not spent much looking, I have yet to find a way to have Ubuntu 10.4 manage the number kernels it keeps after upgrading. I have had to manually remove older kernels to apply updated versions later.
To list your currently install kernels:
From a Terminal session enter the following:
sudo dpkg -l | grep linux-image | more
To remove kernel packages, enter the following:
sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.xx-yy-generic
Note: You can remove multiple installed kernels by just adding them to the list:
sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.xx-yy-generic linux-image-2.6.xx-zz-generic
To list all installed packages:
dpkg --get-selections
To list all files a package contains:
dpkg -L packagename
To install a package:
dpkg -i packagefilename
For example:
dpkg -i somepackage.deb
To list available packages:
apt-cache search –names-only ‘stringtosearch’
To clear apt cache:
apt-get clean
To update your repository list:
apt-get update
To upgrade one software package:
apt-get install –only-upgrade packagefilename
To upgrade all software packages, if one is available:
apt-get upgrade
To disable a service:
update-rc.d servicename disable
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