Check execution policy to allow you to run PowerShell scripts:
To allow yourself to execute powershell script:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Display all users login script:
PS> Get-Aduser -Filter * -Properties ScriptPath
Map a network drive using PowerShell:
(New-Object -com WScript.Network).MapNetworkDrive(“Y:”,”\\servername\sharename”)
Help New-PSDrive -full
Manage PowerShell drives:
PS C:\Scripts> Get-PSDrive
Name Used (GB) Free (GB) Provider Root
—- ——— ——— ——– —-
Alias Alias
C 45.88 187.01 FileSystem C:\
cert Certificate \
Env Environment
Function Function
G 1113.88 282.94 FileSystem G:\
I 1113.88 282.94 FileSystem I:\
S 1113.88 282.94 FileSystem S:\
U 302.15 47.85 FileSystem U:\
V 1113.88 282.94 FileSystem V:\
Variable Variable
Y 592.14 431.73 FileSystem Y:\
Z 592.14 431.73 FileSystem Z:\
This only remove drives available in the PowerShell environment.
Remove-PSDrive -Name name
PS C:\Scripts> Remove-PSDrive -Name Y
To determine the PowerShell version:
PS H:\> $Host.Version
Hyper-V Related Commands
To display all VMs:
PS> get-VM
To shutdown all VMs:
PS> get-VM | stop-VM
Or, shutdown one VM:
PS> stop-VM -Name VMNAME
You can even use an * wildcard.
This will only stop all VMs with CANADA in the name:
PS> stop-VM -Name ‘*CANADA*’
To export all VMs:
PS> Export-VM VMWIN2012 -Path ‘D:\Exports’
Or, you can use the following to export all your VMs ( After you stop them, of course.):
To import/restore a VM:
PS C:\> Import-VM -Path ‘XMLfile‘
PS E:\> Import-VM -Path ‘E:\MYVMs\Virtual Machines\5FBF3F53-0A55-4124-883E-6F149A1E731E.XML’
To start a VM:
PS> Start-VM -Name VMNAME
Wildcard to start as well:
PS> start-VM -Name ‘*CANADA*’
Access information about files and directories:
This will display the file/directory name and what has access to it:
PS> Get-Childitem -LiteralPath somedirectory -Recurse | Get-Acl | Format-List -Property PSPath,AccessToString
To list all the Properties, use:
-Property *
Another way to determine disk size and free space:
PS> Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName remotecomputer | Select-Object DeviceID,Size,FreeSpace
To determine physical memory installed:
PS> Get-WmiObject CIM_PhysicalMemory
To determine processor installed:
PS> Get-WmiObject CIM_Processor
To list local user accounts on a machine:
PS> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter “LocalAccount=’True'” -Computername computername
Send email:
PS> Send-MailMessage -to ToEmailAddress -Subject “SomeSubject” -body “BodyTest” -smtpserver EmailServer -from FromEmailAddress
To run from a script or Task Scheduler, put the command in a ps1 file like Email.ps1, then in the script put: powershell c:\…\Email.ps1. Works great. You could associate ps1 with powershell and forgo the powershell command as well.
Get a list of computers from AD:
This will display all computers in AD that begin with the letter A:
PS> Get-ADComputer -Filter ‘samAccountName -like “A*$”‘ | Select Name
This will give you a list of all computers and their operating system, version and service pack level:
PS> Get-ADComputer -Filter ‘samAccountName -like “*$”‘ -Property * | Format-Table Name,OperatingSystem,OperatingSystemServicePack,OperatingSystemVersion
PowerShell to access a remote machine’s registry:
Note: I did this on a Windows 10 machine. Everything needed to be done from an elevated PowerShell prompt.
You need to download and install the PSRemoteRegistry powershell module from
Once installed, you need to import the module:
PS> Import-Module PSRemoteRegistry
PS> Get-RegValue -ComputerName COMPUTERNAME -Key “KEYNAME” -Value VALUENAME
Here is an example. This will pull the value from the LOCAL MACHINE hive:
PS> Get-RegValue -ComputerName COMPUTERNAME -Key “SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon” -Value CachedLogonsCount
Set a Value on a remote computer using the same PSRemoteRegistry module:
PS> Set-RegString -Computer COMPUTERNAME -Key “SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon” -Value CachedLogonsCount -Data “0”
How to find all LockedOut ADS accounts:
PS> Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter “(objectClass=User)” -Properties Name,LockedOut | Select Name,LockedOut | findstr “True”
To unlock and account:
PS> Unlock-ADAccount -Identity SamAccountName
Unlock script sample:
$logfile = “\\servername\C$\Tools\UnlockAccounts-$(Get-Date -Format `”yyyyMMdd`”).log”
function MyLog($somestring)
$somestring | Out-File -Filepath $logfile -append
Write-Host “Below is a list of currently locked out accounts:”
Get-AdUser -LDAPFilter “(objectClass=User)” -Properties SamAccountName,LockedOut | Select SamAccountName,Lockedout | findstr “True”
$Acct = Read-Host -Prompt ‘Which account would you like to unlock’
If ($Acct)
Write-Host “Attempting to unlock ‘$Acct'”
Unlock-ADAccount -Identity $Acct
MyLog “$(Get-Date -Format `”MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt`”) Unlock attempted for account: $Acct.”j
Write-Host “No account was entered.”
To list the file permissions of all files and directories under a directory:
PS> Get-ChildItem -Recurse directory | Get-Acl | Format-List